Want to learn coding Part 2 (Mobile Edition)

We talked about Web Programming in the previous blog post. If you haven’t read it yet Click on the link below to check it out

Want to learn coding ?

Lets kick off Mobile Coding…

Mobile Coding

Mobile phones are taking over the PC one inch at a time. We don’t even realise it but think about it…Have you been using your pc or your notebook a little lesser these days ? Let’s be honest here, if not for work or gaming will you even touch them ? I dunno about you, but I have come a long way. My life started started with DOS PC which was the least interesting thing to me at that time, then came Windows 95 which got me hooked… Even after i got my first iphone afew years back, the PC was on another league. At that time you couldn’t even compare them. A phone was for calling and a PC was for everthing else.


In recent years, thanks to Steve Jobs the mobile phone has become something totally different. Its like a pandora’s box with endless possibilities. Well think what you want, but i believe the phone has surpassed the PC and its pulling ahead fast. With millions of apps in the apple store(apple’s app store) and google play store(android’s app store). Overwhelming utilities and countless games. Let’s get into some development stuff and upload afew apps into those stores.

There are many mobile programming languages out there but I’ll just go through the most common two. Object C which works on the iphone and Java for android. New mobile developers almost ALWAYS ask this question when they start. So…. which of the two should i pick and master. I understand your pain. I too wanted to know the answer to that. I wanted to pick up something and devote my time to master it. I also didn’t want to spend time on a language that will become obsolete when i get there. Well a wise guys said,

Anyone can sell a product in demand, but a Master salesman creates a demand for a product

It is what you make of it. Pick one that feels comfortable to you and work on it. People say its hard work and perseverance that gets you far. Hard work and perseverance will run eventually without passion. so…Follow your heart (lol) no really…

Java (Android using Eclipse)

Android robot

Android Applications are developed using many languages. Most commonly used for this is Java. For starters, you can start making your first app by downloading Eclipse and installing Android Software Development Kit(SDK) which consists of a lot of tools, like debugger, libraries and emulators built-in to help you with your development. I used them and they work great and have a very good community support. Or you could try out the Android Studio IDE which seems to be gaining popularity. I don’t know much about it. But if you need to decide on which to get started on check Eclipse Vs Android Studio . It has a very detailed comparison made.


  • 51% of mobile phones in US are Android, 81% world wide
  • Allows more customisations
  • Does not require a Apple computer or macbook

Objective C / Swift (ios using Xcode)

Logo xcode

Firstly, you do need a mac to develop applications for apple products. They are trying to keep everything within their eco system OR just another way to get more sales. Apple have their own Software Development Kit too, Xcode. to help you out with creating applications be it for iphone, itouch, iwatch or the Mac. Comparing it to the Eclipse, Xcode looks alot cleaner and easier to use too(my opinion).  Basically everything you need is cleverly organised at your disposal. One more reason why a newbie should use Xcode, The Storyboard. Its super easy. Drag and drop, a few clicks here and there and within minutes boooom! You got a working app with cool features. Here’s a neat tutorial and a little sneak peak at The Storyboard. Xcode used to be based on Objective C, but lately apple launched a new and innovative language called Swift. Its said to be made for safety, speed and effectiveness. I have not tried it yet but hey give it a go and tell me in the comments what ya think ok ?


  • Easy to develop
  • People spend more on iphone
  • Few Sizes to manage
  • Most of the Users have their phones up-to-date for cool features

Now that we have gone through a number of languages, pick one or many and create new innovative websites / applications that i might use one day. And with that i wish you all the best in your coding journey. Happy Coding!

Want to learn coding ?

The First Step!

In recent years due to the tech boom, developers have become high in demand. And they get to take home more than the average Joe’s salary. I belief in the years to come programming languages will be taught in schools and used on a daily basis. We are moving into a tech dominated world, its only a matter of time before we speak their language. But there is also a popular belief that you have to be a “Nerd” or have a “Genius” level IQ to be a developer. Honestly, coding is not all that hard to pick up and anyone can do it. Really ! It is one of those things that is simple to pick up but hard to master. If you are dedicated enough and passionate about it, you will eventually be amazing at it. If you are willing to put in the hours this is for you..


Mobile or Web First?

Well both are equally essential. They kinda work hand in hand  in many ways. I started out on the web and moving on to mobile at the moment. If (your the kind of person who likes to take it slow and know a little about everything){ i would recommend starting out from the web. Here are a few popular web languages.  } else {  (lol.. a developer would understand) Jump straight into mobile development.  As you might already know,  people are using their mobile devices for almost anything these days. And many companies are actually deciding to go mobile first or deciding to have an exclusive application for their websites. }

Just to mention a few Web based programming languages to start out with in no specific order.



It’s a free, server-side scripting language designed for dynamic websites and app development.  Its by far the most used language on the internet including big sites like Facebook and WordPress. It is also one of the easiest languages to pick up!


  • PHP is FREE!
  • Runs on various platforms (Windows, Linux, Unix, Mac OS X, etc.).
  •  Supports a good variety of databases.
  •  Can create, open, read, write, delete, and close files on the server
  • Used for encryption
  • Has a strong community to help you



Python is a high-level general-purpose programming language. However its syntax is simple to understand and debug which makes this a popular pick for many developers. Although its not as popular PHP, there are sites build upon Python that you might have heard of Pinterest and Youtube for e.g.


  • Python is FREE
  • Simple syntax
  • Easy to Debug
  • Scalable
  • Fast
  • Has a strong community to help you



Ruby is a dynamic, open source programming language with a focus on simplicity and productivity. It has an elegant syntax that is natural to read and easy to write.  It is said to be so beautiful its artful. “I hope to see Ruby help every programmer in the world to be productive, and to enjoy programming, and to be happy. That is the primary purpose of Ruby language.” said Its founder, Yukihiro Matsumoto.


  • You will be a happy coder
  • Has a strong community to help you



JavaScript is the programming language of the Web. All modern HTML web sites are using JavasScript. Its very easy to learn. Well think of it this way. If HTML is the skeleton, CSS is the flesh and JavaScript is the muscles allowing dynamic movement. Its is one of the three must learn languages for a web developer.


  • Its FREE
  • One of the three must learn web languages
  • Makes the site more interactive
  • Has a strong community to help you



HTML is a hypertext Markup Language, a standardized system for tagging text files to achieve font, colour, graphic, and hyperlink effects on World Wide Web pages. It is the skeleton of your website. Its as important as your backbone thus, its one of the 3 essential languages of the web.


  • You have have to know this

Next Post “Mobile Languages”